The past three days were not the best three days for SEPTA and it’s commuters.
First, SEPTA went on strike at 3:00 AM Tuesday morning
Second, yesterday, a Train that was operating on the R5 Paoli line-inbound has caught on fire causing some major delays in service.
Also, TWU pickers were blocking the 101-102 trolley as well as the blocking buses from leaving Victory.
And today, A Southbound SEPTA R3 train on the SEPTA Main Line struck and killed a SEPTA worker, causing some serious delays on the R3- West Trenton, R5 Doylestown, and R2 Warminster lines!!
In addition: Rider65 reported it on the board, which the UTU, the union which victory has, has voted to strike on November 22 if no contract has been reached
Ugh!! I do not want to know what tomorrow will bring!!