The final week for the Final 2 Silverliners from the 60’s…and they will run on Cynwyd

This is it!  The final week where the remaining Silverliner II (9010) and Silverliner III (235) will operate in service.  Both cars will hold down all service on the Cynwyd Line this week.  The Philadelphia Inquirer even posted information on their last scheduled trips.

On June 30th, the existing waivers that the FRA gave to SEPTA to allow these cars to continue to operate on the rails will expire.  This may leave a slight car shortage for the summer until the rest of the Hyundai-Rotem Silverliner Vs are delivered and placed into service.

The Silverliner IIs and IIIs definitely had a great run, serving the Pennsylvania Railroad, Reading Railroad, Conrail, and SEPTA over the years.  We definitely apprecitate their service, and anticipate that on Friday, a lot of railfans will be riding the Cynwyd Line to say their final goodbyes.