Route 23 Performance

Photo of 8139, Taken by Michael Pearson

According to Nicholas Mutignani, who is SouthernSeptaRida215 on the forums, hybrids has been swapped between Midvale, Callowhill, and Southern. The reason why this move has occurred is to test the performance on the route 23.  The route 23 is split between Southern and Midvale. Currently, the 2008 hybrids, which Callowhill has, are the only massive fleet of buses that are equipped with these devices. So in order to test the performance on the route 23, SEPTA has temporary swap buses between Callowhill, Midvale, and Southern.

The buses conformed at Midvale are as follows:
8130, 8131, 8133, 8138, 8143 & 8145 and possibly others

The buses conformed at Southern are as follows:
8146-8148, 8150-8160  and possibly others

[Photo-Right] 8139 on the route C to City Hall (Southbound).
Photographer: Michael E. Pearson