Major reswap of New Flyer D40LF fleets to/from Midvale to Callowhill/Comly depots

As noted on the forums for the past several weeks, Midvale is swapping their 2003-04 fleet of flyers for Comly's and now Callowhill's 2001 New Flyer D40LFs.  A possible reason why this move is in place: Within the past few years alone.  Midvale has have a ton of buses being listed as out of service, and they wanted to use other depot buses to see how these operate throughout their routes.  Well jeez, perhaps they didn't get the fact that their maintenance is considered shady at best!!!

These moves are more then likely considered brief and temporary, therefore the current assignment page will not get updated!

The switches so far include:

Midvale: 5432, 5439, 5441, 5443, 5444, 5450, 5458, 5462, 5464, 5467, 5470

5464 at Willow Grove Mall on the 22

(5464 at Willow Grove Mall, taken by Brandon S.) 

Callowhill: 5674, 5668, 5692, 5698, 5702, 5714, 5749, 5925, 5928, 5931, 5935, 5937, 5938, 5948