Cecil County proposed a bill that would require MARC to negotiate with Amtrak (its contractor) to extend service up to Elkton, Maryland on its Penn Line by July 1st, 2010. This is to fill the 20 mile gap between Newark, Delaware (SEPTA terminus) and Perryville, Maryland (MARC Terminus). A lot of this revolves around the BRAC (Federal Base Realignment and Closure) population moving to the Elkton/Newark area to work in Aberdeen, such as the Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Also considered is the fact that many people already have to drive to Newark from Maryland in order to take SEPTA into Philadelphia. If MARC were to extend the Penn Line up to Elkton, Maryland; Delaware is prepared to extend SEPTA's R2 Newark Line down to Elkton to meet it! This would make SEPTA Regional Rail unique in the fact that it would serve four states!
Currently, service between Elkton and Newark is provided by DART First State's route 65.
More information is available at this webpage: http://www.cecilwhig.com/articles/2007/03/19/news/01.txt.