Water Water Everywhere

A large water main break at 3rd Street and Girard Avenues in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia has disrupted trolley service on Route 15.  This is the second time in several months this particular 30" diameter water main has broken in this area (last time was at 4th and Girard).  Water was everywhere flooding several blocks in the area.  Until repairs are made, Route 15 will be running bus service.  Whether the bus service is full route or trolleys are running as far as Girard College with buses east of there is unknown (more than likely full route).  At least three PCC II trolleys were reported to be stranded east of the water main break.  According to Chuck Green, these operators were being driven back to Callowhill by a supervisor.  It is unknown what will happen to these trolleys as to whether they will stay at Madison Loop until the line is restored or if they will be trucked back to Callowhill.  Stay tuned for updates.