Due to the arrival of the 2005 New Flyers solely to southern. A bunch of the 2003 new flyers and NABI’s at southern has been moved to the Midvale facilities. Thus far far 5613-5615,5617- 5621, and 5626 has been moved to Midvale. It’s unclear how many of the 5613-5656 batch of 2003 new flyers could be moved there to replace the Midvale’s NABIs. Furthermore, there are only 50 of the 2005 New flyers has arrived there are still as many as 70 new flyers left to be delivered. As per latest trends several of the 2001 New Flyers (5471-5500) Assigned at Southern and possibly the 2002 (5596-5600) are running off of ULSD diesel fuel or in stages of an retrofit to run off of this fuel. Within respect to this it appears those units will be staying at the Southern facilities.