SEPTA was testing a MTA Orion 7 (VII) Bus

Hello you guys long time no see This is apparently consider “OLD
NEWS” to some new news to others however it’s
still is consider to be news. SEPTA was testing
a NYC Orion 7 Hybrid on southern based routes,
which SEPTA renumber this bus to #3999. It’s
now back at MTA Wednesday as of the 12th of
April. A modified version of the Cummins ISB-250
engine powers the hybrid with a BEV Unit. Something
similar to the units used in our hybrids however
not the same. To learn more about these hybrids
please click here.
This could give the idea that SEPTA is testing
hybrids for the next order of buses due in 2008
which is not sure who will make them or what
kind of buses they will rather it’s straight
diesel or it’s a hybrid diesel bus running on
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) Fuel. (Kyle O.)
(4-13) For a photo taken by Felix Tse please
click here (