Trackless Trolley Update

According to SEPTA’s FY 2006-2017 Capital Budget proposal, the agency is now planning a base order for 38 Trackless Trolleys with an option for 23 additional vehicles. They are planning to place the order in the third quarter of this year with the Arrival of the first vehicle in 2007. It Appears that the 38 vehicles will be for the 3 Frankford lines routes 59, 66, and 75 ,and the 23 vehicles are aimed for the possible restoration of Southern routes 29 and 79. To recap the situation in 2002 the Frankford lines went Diesel do to construction of the new Frankford Transportation center which was mostly finished in 2003, Route 29 went Diesel in Early 2003 do to the Tasker Homes construction project and finally SEPTA Decided to pull route 79 in July 2003, And since 2003 the well aged AMGs further deteriorated while in Storage at the Midvale Depot/Shops.